Category: Retirement

How to Become a Retirement Plan Millionaire – The Number is Increasing
Jun 12, 2024
Who doesn’t want to be a millionaire someday? The problem is, that many people think the only way they’ll ever have a seven-figure bank balance is to[...]
Who Needs a Financial Advisor?
Jun 04, 2024
We may seem biased, but many people can benefit from working with a financial advisor. A comprehensive financial plan is devised to help you plan for[...]
14 questions for joining finances with your significant other
Apr 29, 2024
Much like figuring out where you’ll eventually settle or if children or pets are in your future, determining if, how, or when you’ll merge your[...]
9 Ways Retirees Can Earn Extra Income
Apr 19, 2024
The idea of retirement used to be sitting in a relaxing chair and reading a book or playing golf four days a week. Retirees today are much more[...]
What is an Emergency Fund? And Other Financial Planning Facts
Mar 28, 2024
Things may be going well for you right now. You may be advancing in your job, your investments are rebounding and life, overall, may generally feel[...]
A Little 401(k) Education: Roth Versus Traditional
Mar 18, 2024
It’s safe to say that most working Americans have heard of a 401(k). Chances are, these same people have also heard of the terms “Roth” and[...]
Born After 1980? Here’s Your 10-Point Guide to Investing
Feb 13, 2024
If you were born in the 1980s or ’90s, chances are you have a pretty busy life with mounting financial responsibilities. Maybe you have student[...]
New Year, New Financial Goals
Jan 29, 2024
It’s that time of year when we realize we may have indulged a little too much over the holidays, and maybe our bank account is feeling the impact.[...]
Will I Get My Ex’s Benefits … and Other Social Security Questions
Dec 20, 2023
Social Security benefits are a crucial ingredient in many people’s retirement calculations. However, determining how much you will receive in Social[...]
What Retirement Might Look Like for Millennials
Dec 05, 2023
It may seem like the sky is falling for Millennials. Not only have individuals from the segment of the population born between approximately 1980 and[...]