Author: Shawn J. Walker

Shawn J. Walker

Shawn J. Walker
Managing Partner, CRPC®

Recent Posts

How to Become a Retirement Plan Millionaire – The Number is Increasing
Jun 12, 2024
Who doesn’t want to be a millionaire someday? The problem is, that many people think the only way they’ll ever have a seven-figure bank balance is to[...]
Will I Get My Ex’s Benefits … and Other Social Security Questions
Dec 20, 2023
Social Security benefits are a crucial ingredient in many people’s retirement calculations. However, determining how much you will receive in Social[...]
10 Times You May Want to Rebalance Your Asset Allocation
Jun 15, 2023
Retirement planning is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of process. It’s not wise to put your portfolio together and then let it run on autopilot for[...]